03 May 2011

KraftiM - "Ancient Species"

Very diverse ambient - professional, creative and entertaining (7/10)

Ancient Species represents a collection of classic tracks specially released for Jamendo.
Shot0p is a very recent collaboration with Dutch singer o0o, who did the singing and the lyrics. You can find him here on Jamendo too! Just click on his icon next to his review :)
mRat is dedicated to my loyal pet Mr Rat, alas died, where a beautiful violinline from Japanese violinplayer Kigas is used.
Egawen part 2 is a thorough treatment of a newagy piece, with voice of surinam singer Bibi. Part 1 you can find on a next release
Criguere part 2 is a treated recording of dozens of crickets who served as food for and were to be eaten by some reptiles in this house. Also here part 1 can be find elsewhere...
Strowl is a description of a slow walk on a hot day .
Afternoon Gaspuff is the relaxing afterwards with my tired dog in the garden.
Oyeaho is with the singing and guitar-riff of suriname artist Kenny B.


Creative Commons License

Very diverse ambient album - professional, creative and entertaining, although not every track is equally interesting.

1 Shot0p
Great hypnotic rhythms, strange hiphop-like vocals - very original and entertaining tune.

2 mRat
Mechanic beats, disturbing noises - I feel like I listened to a heartbeat of a giant robot; a great atmospheric tune. The short distorted violin interludes seem out-of-place, but in fact perfectly fit wicked atmosphere. I couldn't find Mr Rat anywhere, though. ;-)

3 Ewagen part 2
I love the way you play with stereo sound - how the sound migrates between the channels. Very fresh concept and professional execution. The result is great. The distorted keyboard melody played on fast forward is also amusing.

4 Criguere part 2
You have a rat, a dog and some reptiles? Wow. And the song? A miss this time. Nothing is really happening throughout the track - a number of background noises, which seem to be in one song by accident. As a result, the sounds just flow by, not moving a listener in any way. The tune very similar to your earlier works (earlier on Jamendo).

5 Strowl
Mechanical and repetitive, but with a nice atmosphere - I like it.

6 Afternoon Gaspuff
It didn't fit my taste, although it's far better than no. 4. Too static and peaceful for me.

7 Oyeaho
It's great how it starts relatively calm and peaceful and grows louder and more powerful. A mesmerizing tune.

I listen to your works in order in which they are placed on Jamendo and this album is far better than the earlier (I noted that the songs aren't new, though).


If you like this album and you can afford it, consider supporting the artist by making a donation.


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