11 February 2011

Hello world!

So here it is. A new blog. About music. I created it mainly to gather all my reviews, musical discoveries and other shit in one place. Under my full control. At least until Google decides to close down the service on 30 second notice. Or until they succeed in taking over the world and there will be nothing to write about anymore.

Why "Trigger Inside"? Two reasons: it's the title of one of my favorite songs and it's a great title.


Therapy? - "Trigger Inside"

I almost forgot...


How to Boycott RIAA

By the way, you are also invited to visit my other blog, where I present a selection of interesting (in my opinion) short films: http://justmakeitshort.blogspot.com/.


Anonymous said...

boycott this guy instead

Winston Smith said...

It looks as if somebody forgot to sign his comment. Let me help. It's Mr. David Wolfman from
Lexington, MA, using e-mail address of dvwolfman@gmail.com. Poor guy can't stand critique. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your reviews! They are making my Jamendo experience much less painful XD !

And yeah, fuck RIAA! Goddamned terrorists. I actually got so sick of that kind of people that I went as far as boycotting everyone who isn't of the legal music sharing scene.

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