Why "Trigger Inside"? Two reasons: it's the title of one of my favorite songs and it's a great title.
Therapy? - "Trigger Inside"
I almost forgot...
How to Boycott RIAA
By the way, you are also invited to visit my other blog, where I present a selection of interesting (in my opinion) short films: http://justmakeitshort.blogspot.com/.
boycott this guy instead
It looks as if somebody forgot to sign his comment. Let me help. It's Mr. David Wolfman from
Lexington, MA, using e-mail address of dvwolfman@gmail.com. Poor guy can't stand critique. :-)
Thanks for your reviews! They are making my Jamendo experience much less painful XD !
And yeah, fuck RIAA! Goddamned terrorists. I actually got so sick of that kind of people that I went as far as boycotting everyone who isn't of the legal music sharing scene.
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