18 February 2011

Plexigrass - "Plexi Rain"

Great intelligent electronica (10/10)
Plexi rain - ep of Krzysztof Orluk (known as MORE) is dose of beautiful idm filled not only with deep passages but also straight, harmonic and imaginative sounds.

In our eyes, plexi rain may be visualized as a drops of little, thiny pipes hiting the space. Sometimes as a frozen tears they are shattering on the space of time but there are also a moments when the sounds strike a form of light and glint an infinite amount of colours. The synaesthetic experience with this ep will remain in your memory for a long time and will encourage you to return to its author not only once again.

Necessary release for a early autechre`s fans.

Great intelligent electronica with broken beats, strange sounds and general experimental feel to it. Highly recommended.

The album has been released by the 49manekinow.net netlabel and is available for downloading at archive.org in mp3 format.

Licencja Creative Commons


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