[Artist's Myspace] |
"Parfaite alchimie de lyrisme pop électrique, rageuse et entêtante grâce à un songwriting subtil, des gimmicks et un chant à vous coller des frissons…" c'est ainsi que les premières chroniques ont définies la musique de HYPE.
Grâce à un chanteur franco-allemand, un batteur britannique d'alliance et deux "frenchies", HYPE est riche tant par ses origines que par ses influences.
Le groupe qui a déjà 2 EP à son actif, s'est forgé une solide expérience "live" en défendant ses titres avec rage sur les plus prestigieuses scènes de la capitale (Elysée Montmartre, Maroquinerie...).
"Ain't That Far" - I recommend this track to every true rock fan. Really great song. The others are nice, but not so catchy. They are just ordinary rock songs lacking freshness but "Ain't That Far" definitely will stay for good on my 'Favorites' playlist. Although I must say that after several times I started to like all the five. I just had to give the others some time, because they are not immediate hits.
The album has been published on Jamendo under the Creative Commons license and later removed from this website. Fortunately, a CC license is irrevocable and the recording has been archived by the one and only archive.org Internet library. You can listen to the album online or download it in mp3 or ogg format - all of this legally.
The album has been published on Jamendo under the Creative Commons license and later removed from this website. Fortunately, a CC license is irrevocable and the recording has been archived by the one and only archive.org Internet library. You can listen to the album online or download it in mp3 or ogg format - all of this legally.
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