07 March 2013

Sound-Ra - "In Your Face"

Good original techno (7/10)

Dès ses débuts, milieu 90, ses compositions furent largement influencées par les sons techno de Détroit. Grande passionnée de hardtekno et du label primate entre autre.

Ses productions aux allures parfois dures, proches d’un courant electronique mais aussi aux univers intimistes comme When I Was A Child et Délice interpellent un large public.

Ses sets sur machines ont pris aujourd’hui l’ascendant et lui offre ce côté tactile qui fait la part belle à l’intuition et provoque l’envie de danser.

Looking for good techno/electronica? Look no further. This album should appeal to people who like a bit more experimental side of techno. There are no simple beats, it's not a shallow record for disco fans. Many strange sounds connected in a clever and original way. Keep up the good work, Sound-Ra. Oh, and another great cover (I rate only music, but it's a nice addition).

The only complaint that I have regards sound distribution between channels. A hi-hat banging constantly in the right ear can be really annoying (see the first track or no. 05 - Fever).

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