01 April 2011

Hearing, Harry - "Little Green Martian" [SP]

Vocoder kills electronic stars (1/10)

Hey! you though that only musicians from berlin make good minimal electronic sounds? Test newest release in 49 catalogue! Harry Hearing it's our new brilliant purchase straight from poland! Little green martian is his first official released stuff. This short single is essence of all the best traits contained in beautiful minimal stucture. Deep, heterogenic spaces, multilayered, far-outed beats, multithreaded, untypical structures, modulated politicial involved texts ..you need more recomendation?

Harry Hearing is a pseudo of Piotr Gajcy born 20.10.1988 in Poland. As a child he was interested in instruments instead of toys. He started his music production from program called Music 2000 (for Playstation). Subsequently he changed it into computer composing. In 2006 he started to play also as a DJ. In performances, he connects his own productions with sophisticated motives. "I have to connect everything which was the best in my work... And show what I can afford to do... Be someone, whose music will not be closed in one template". Generes: all electronic (chillout, downtempo, progressive, minimal, techno, dnb, dub and his own mbc...)


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[Artist's Myspace]
Well... It seems I overuse one particular title in my reviews... But what can I do, if it fits so well?

It would be very good minimal electronica, if it wasn't covered and destroyed by a vocoder vocal line. :-/

I know I'm not objective as I particularly hate vocoder and consider it to be an evolutionary dead-end. But then again, it is me who review this track and I don't like it. Every review out there is filtered by the critic's taste. And for me this is a flop. If you like vocoder - go for it. You'll love it. All the others - stay away.

The album has been released by the 49manekinow.net netlabel and is available for downloading at archive.org in mp3 format.


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