8-bit - only partially successful (6/10)
Crazy and mad music which will make you feel giddy and totally wired. Sounds emanating from everywhere take you unawares and stick you a new dose of absolutely positive energy.
RaĆ¼l Peix (Ralp). Multifaceted artist member of Device, Lowtoy, Distortled Box, Tricoma, NFFCTS, MicroBCN and NGFX, independent collectives dedicated to audiovisual creations. Under the same name, Ralp takes different paths in music, 3D, motion, graphic and installation. He creates 100% electronic music with
an IDMcore aesthetic made with computer, some hardware, circuit bending toys, machines built from zero and 8 Bit productions with Nintendo Game Boy and Commodore 64. During his trajectory he has played in some events and festivals around Europe and in a lots of improvised "mini raves" in the streets. So far he has published sonorous material in some netlabels like Brainstormlab (London), Crazy-Language (Berlin), DexandtheCity (Letonia), 49 Manekinow (Polonia), Noise-Joy (USA), Spoomusic (USA) and Chippanze (Brasil).
This is typical 8-bit techno. Unfortunately only partially successful. Some tracks are interesting, well crafted, but others are dull and chaotic, sounding like if samples were placed in purely accidental order. Good ones: 01, 03, 04, 06, 09.
The album has been released by the 49manekinow.net netlabel and is available for downloading at archive.org in mp3 format.
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