21 November 2011

Chlopomania - "Lodowisko Remixes"

Be eco-friendly - remix your garbage (0/10)

Florian filsinger, Television Tom, Hydrator, Aqpa, Puzia remixes well known chlopomania track called Lodowisko.

It's a bland electroclash tune with extremely stupid lyrics that were meant to be funny, but failed miserably. The original mix is accompanied by several remixes of varying, but not so high, quality. It doesn't matter anyhow, because remixing such an atrocious piece of garbage like this one is pointless anyhow and does not qualify for listening. Even one star is too much for this - it deserves 0/5 rating.

The album has been released by the 49manekinow.net netlabel and is available for downloading at archive.org in mp3 format.

[Creative Commons License]

[Artist's Myspace]


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