20 December 2011

Celibatfighters - "Remise en ordre"

Lack of interesting melodies, too eclectic (5/10)

Second album d'une longue série: Plus guilleret, il mêle une grande partie de nos influences musicales. Parlant des choses qui nous entourent, qui nous font rire, pleurer et nous énervent. Cet album est moins intime mais reste très proche de notre état d'esprit.

I was not too pleased with this recording. It lacks interesting melodies and is too eclectic. Eclecticism must not be a bad thing, but only if it is a planned action. Eclecticism on this album seems to be a result of a coincidence: "we somehow succeeded in composing some songs, so here they are". Also technical skills and quality of recording of some of these tunes are questionable (e.g. 03 Qu'est ce qui m'arrive?).

Only two tracks are better than average:
1 Aller simple - a very dark and moody tune with an interesting melody;
10 Bande a part - a light acoustic guitar song with a funny melody.

[Artist's Myspace]

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