22 March 2011

Abralcor - "Abralcor" [EP]

Primeval chaos unleashed (10/10)

Beware! By clicking on "Play" you are letting primeval chaos to enter your room. It will struck you like a ten ton hammer, with powerful guitars, machine gun drums, angry growling and totally crazy ideas. Ideas such as combining death metal with samples from French soap opera (or something like that).

The first track "Nympho Man" starts with samples of arguing couple with some "elevator music" playing in the background. And then we hear a crack of a whip, followed by a scream. And the guitar arrives.

These songs sound so fresh, so unorthodox, these guys play with such a power and lack of respect for any rules that I was immediately sold. This is great - and I want more!

If you still don't believe these guys are totally crazy, see their cover of some eurodance shit by Haddaway. As you see, they mixed their cover with the original video showing Haddaway and his dancers. 8-0 I don't know what they usually smoke, but it has to be strong.

If you still want more, you'll find other songs on their Myspace profile. Enjoy.

Creative Commons License

[Artist's Myspace]


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