29 March 2011

Capitalism Is Just Another Dying Breed - "Capitalism Is Just Another Dying Breed"

Very dark and depressive guitar ambient (6/10)

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[Creative Commons License]

[Artist's Myspace]
If deja vu is a post-experience who repeats itself or is a similar repetitive action in our system so to speak. Then I find this life and its system we are living in, as one big deja vu experience I want to escape..... Today is all about making money and being someone. Companies and humans are killing each other for a name, for profit and land. Someone else are trying just to make a living, because they do not "fit in", in this moneymaking-drowning world. .... This music is about people, oppression and beings who are themselves.. And not tries to be someone else or manipulating for fame. .... Capitalism is just another dying breed is a side-project. Enjoy and download the music for free and leave a comment if you like!
Victor Soldéus.

Obligatory position for everyone who loves Come On Die Young by Mogwai. This is about oppression. This is about molestation. This is about people. This is about fear. This is atrabilious. This is about you. This is about me. This is about us.

Very dark and depressive guitar ambient with traces of noise. Quite captivating, but definitely not for everyone. This is rather difficult music, only for fans of strange sounds. Although, sometimes it gets too calm and repetitive (tracks 01 & 05 are just boring).

The album has been released by the 49manekinow.net netlabel and is available for downloading at archive.org in mp3 format.


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